
Purebasic command line compiler
Purebasic command line compiler

purebasic command line compiler purebasic command line compiler

The Elements Compiler "Mac & Linux Distro"

purebasic command line compiler

Note: Installing and using the external compiler on Mac or Linux requires Mono 4.0 or later to be installed system-wide and in the default location beforehand. See also Setting up the External Compiler for use with Fire for details. This is necessary to use the compiler form Terminal even if you already have Fire, because Fire comes with the compiler embedded, but does not register it system-wide. On Mac and Linux, the command line compiler can be installed manually. To just install the command line compiler, you can simply disable the "Water" and "Visual Studio" option when running setup. On Windows, the command line compiler is installed and made available automatically as part of the regular setup. You can use the Elements Command Line Compiler, via EBuild.exe, if you do not want to build your projects from inside the IDE, or to use it from automated build scripts or on your CI servers.

Purebasic command line compiler